The International Criminal Bar (ICB) was founded on June 15th 2002 at the Conference of Montreal. It held its first General Assembly in Berlin on March 21st and March 22nd 2003, which brought together over 400 people from over 50 countries. The members of the Council of the ICB ensure the best possible global representation having elected members present from the five continents with their respective legal systems. 

The ICB brings together national and regional bar associations and other professional international bodies of jurists, all of whom are highly committed to the promotion of international criminal justice and the defense of the lawyers' interests worldwide. The ICB also contributes in the work of governmental and non-governmental organisations, and has assisted the creation and functioning of the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as the practise of other international criminal courts and criminal programs in national jurisdictions.

The ICB has worked together with various governments to raise awareness on the need to implement an effective system of international criminal justice, and to assist implementing measures, all of which with the support of the international legal community and relevant institutions and players in this area.

The ICB has likewise stressed the necessity and advocated for the defense of  the interests and protection of the victims and their defense lawyers, as well as defending the rights of criminal lawyers through our members and in the countries where we work.

ICB’s strong representation in the different legal systems increases every year and with each new member. After numerous efforts by members and partners, we are currently the international bar of lawyers with the largest territorial scope.

After more than 15 years working for fair international justice, we have the privilege to be currently collaborating with the ICC's ReVision Project, which is the first association involved. This project is ICB’s main area of concern, as well as to continue to provide an independent international criminal bar association to victims, members and those involved in international criminal proceedings, especially the proceedings in the ICC and other international courts.